Den här sidan är för dig!
Här vill vi dela vår och andras visdom.
Vår intention är att skapa medvetenhet. Eftersom medvetenhet är början till all förändring. När vi öppnar för nya perspektiv och bjuder in till en vidare, djupare medvetenhet, blir det som håller oss tillbaka, som håller våra relationer och system tillbaka, synligt. Synligt för oss att möta och omfamna. När vi gör det kan transformation ske och vi kommer att växa.
Det mesta är än så länge på engelska.
Allting här är gratis! Eller snarare licensierat under Creative Commons. Det betyder att du får använda allt, leka med det, modifiera det, göra det till ditt. Men du får aldrig hävda att du äger det. När du använder något eller ändrar något samtycker du också till att dela, fritt, vad du än utvecklat det till.
Vi tycker nämligen att IP som tjänar världen ska tillhöra världen.
Så låt oss komma samman för en bättre värld. Tillsammans kan vi göra skillnad!
- Innehåll -
Våra ramverk och modeller
Här delar vi videointroduktioner till de ramverk och modeller vi validerat som kraftfulla och hjälpsamma för att forma nästa generations ledarskap - av dig själv och andra.
Vill du ta steget in i nästa generations ledarskap, är du välkommen att ansöka till vårt validerade 9 månadersprogram.
Du är även välkommen att följa med på något av våra retreat eller vandringar.
4 Ways of Knowing
Our 4 Ways of Knowing is a foundation to widen and deepen our awareness. Both of our selves and of what is going on around us and between us. There is, in today’s society, a bias towards using our mind, our intellect to see and understand the world. This makes us unaware of a large part of our “sensory system” - our body, our emotions and our soul...
4 Levels of Listening
The outcome of every interaction is determined by how we listen to each other.
Also, the way we listen to each other is an absolutely crucial key for our abilities to connect, collaborate and create together, to create safety and let new perspectives emerge. Opening to new realities.
Giving birth to that which does not already exist.
The Cycle of Co-Emergence
The Cycle of Co-Emergence forms a foundation to move together in coherence. From a shared awareness of the present, and of the direction forward. Continuously sensing and adopting our movement to the ever changing circumstances that surround us all at all times.
Imagine the power unleashed in that coherence....
The SOS Model
Every human system is relational by nature.
The SOS model illustrates how, in every moment we shape and are shaped by our Self, our Others and the System/Situation we are part of.
Everything is in continuous motion and change.
But not only that, all parts in this continuous motion also affect each other.
Deeper sensing and seeing this is a key to lead.
Developmental Psychology
- Introduction -
To understand the deep human nature, and how our organisational systems affect and are affected of this, is a foundational aspect for a modern leader.
Central to access and unlock the inherent human power of the organisation.
Developmental Psychology
- Our Heroic Figures -
When we meet our heroic inner figures we will see ourselves with new clarity. Instead of seeing unwanted traits in ourselves, we see our inner figures, their fear and longing. We see parts of us longing to be loved and included. As we do, we can stop fighting ourselves. And unlock immense inherent power and clarity. Layer after layer.
Developmental Psychology
- Our Post Heroic Figures -
There is an ongoing measurable shift of human consciousness in the world today. On a collective level. From viewing the world mainly from our heroic figures to viewing the world mainly from our post-heroic figures. Modern leadership needed to arise from a post heroic awareness.
The Infinity 8
The Infinity 8 model is a way of showing how we develop and evolve - continuously throughout life. How we, as human beings, are in constant development and growth. How we evolve and grow in line with our longing, aspiration and intention, by meeting and moving through the resistance, fear or shadow lying between us and that longing or aspiration.
Vill du ta steget in i nästa generations ledarskap, är du välkommen att ansöka till vårt validerade 9 månadersprogram.
Du är även välkommen att följa med på något av våra retreat eller vandringar.
Eller hör av dig, för ett mer öppet utforskande.
Evolutionary Practices Collection
En ständigt växande samling av 'Evolutionary Practices'
I vårt arbete utvecklar vi hela tiden övningar och metoder för att växa som individer, som team och som organisationer. I PDF-filen nedan delar vi dem. Om du saknar någon, hör av dig och berätta.
Vill du ta steget in i nästa generations ledarskap, är du välkommen att ansöka till vårt validerade 9 månadersprogram.
Du är även välkommen att följa med på något av våra retreat eller vandringar.
Eller hör av dig, för ett mer öppet utforskande.
Vi vill hela tiden dela med oss av det vi gör. I våra whitepapers beskriver vi resultat och de nycklar vi hittat för att öppna för mänsklig tranformation. De nycklar vi använder i våra program, retreat, vandringar och som vi också mätt effekten av i våra Action Research projekt.
October 2023 - 9 months of deep transformation - Leader Program Observations and Enabling keys (7 pg)
Starting January 2023, 3 cohorts of 15 have now, October 2023, been awarded post graduate certificates from the Into The New leader transformation program. This report summarises observed effects, testimonials adn enabling keys for such a transformation. A selection of resulting organisational initiatives are presented.
April 2022 - Transform yourself to transform the world yu are in
This paper summarises outcomes, process and enabling keys of 3 completed 9 month Leader Transformation Program run in a large industry operating in a highly competitive market, with the intention to strengthen organisational excellence through human centered, emergent leadership.
The outcomes are exraodordinary: Inner transformation / consciousnes expansion of the individual leader transforms the leadership of self, others and the organisational systems. Initiatives holding transformational power are shaped, and creativity, collaboration and work progress are all strengthened as the human and relational aspects of organisation grow in significance.
March 2022 - Whitepaper : Leader and personal transformation in a digital setting
The Challenge
The pace of change, informational flow and complexity is ever increasing in our society. The need for a stronger foundation in self and self-knowledge can strongly counterbalance the societal demands, ensuring stronger personal and external leadership, in line with core values. We wanted to examine how impactful an 8-week, deep, integrative process could be on attendees capabilities of leading self and others, integration of learnings about self and effect on life quality.
The Scope
This whitepaper is based on 5 completed programs run over the course of 2 years. Each program holding 15 attendees, in an 8-week process in totally 18 hours facilitated process.
The Learning
Qualitative measures show positive effects that reached beyond the hopes for the program. Deeper self-knowledge, an increase in leadership of self and others and general increase of life quality are reported. The experiment has become permanent with several programs started on a yearly basis for both Swedish and international audience
April 2024 - Cascading Organisational Effects from Inner Leader Transformation (14 pg)
- an Action Research Paper by Into The New
Does inner leader transformation lead to quantifiable, measurable positive shifts in the organisational contexts of the leader?
The quantitative measurements presented in this paper gives an answer to that research question: Yes, inner leader transformation lead to substantial, measurable positive organisational shifts. Shifts cascading out into the organisation, beyond the leaders area of responsibility.
Also, it leads to substantial positive shifts in the private contexts of the leader.
Vill du ta steget in i nästa generations ledarskap, är du välkommen att ansöka till vårt validerade 9 månadersprogram.
Du är även välkommen att följa med på något av våra retreat eller vandringar.
Eller hör av dig, för ett mer öppet utforskande.
A Leader's Voice
I "A Leader's Voice" delar vi berättelser från ledare som agerar utifrån en postkonventionell världsbild. Berättelser från verkligheten om sätt att nå enastående organisatoriska resultat genom post-heroiska sätt att leda. Med mänskliga behov och mänsklig tillväxt i fokus.
October 2023 - A leadrship shift tripling team outcomes [3 pg]
We wish to share Henrik's inner journey through our leadership program, opening for an inner shift that truly transformed his leadership into what he always have searched for. Henrik describes the shift in his team as if they arenow working as one organism. And team outcomes have tripled. Astonishing!
April 2023 - Applied, post-heroic leadership, shaping “accelerating capabilities to achieve the most supreme results [10 pg]
We wish to share Henrik's way of leading holistically, applying post-heroic practices to enable emergence in a complex environment. "Well, where do we start? My curiosity is for triggered, when a colleague unexpectedly does something extraordinary. What happened? What are the conditions that allow unexpected extraordinary results? When someone does great things that you don’t expect at all?"
March 2023 - Shaping the Post Heroic Organisation (13 pg)
This story is astory of that it is possible to make the shift to he post heroic organisation in the midst of ongoing deliveries and business, with very limited time. It is a story about being human together and to let that be the centre when designing the organisation. A story of including all the inner figures, all our ‘action logics. This story is a story of an emerging paradigm in leadership. A story of hope!
Jan 2023 - Rapidly increasing organisational flow in times of high pressure - by slowing down (4 pg)
This is a story about presence, sensing and consciously moving into collective action. A story of stopping, sensing and moving forward addressing the right things. Having created space to listen to the organisation, sense and let co-awareness shape. And in that co-awareness, how the small changes have big effects in short time.
March 2023 - Layering connecting practices to create engagement in a team [1 pg]
We wish to share "A:s" way of introducing and deepening connecting and human centric practices, to elevate connection, team communication and engagement. "I try to layer practices with my team, to make people get used to new ways. What I love in the sessions with you guys is all the reflective moments, the presence, minute of silence, 1-1 sharing. I wanted to shape similar connection in my team...
2022 - Co-emergence of Technical SW innovation
"My story is about the assumptions we hold, how we build on them and how they can limit us to be free in our thoughts and ideas. In this case it is about technical innovation and what we call Hackathon (Hack-week). To be specific: in applying a new way of leading, co-sensing and coactivating, we accomplished technical innovation in the performance of an application beyond what people thought was possible..."
2022 - Leading people in Change
"I support improvements in a large organization within the automotive industry, as a change leader. I want to share how the program has helped me meet people in a completely different way, from their perspective and triggered fear. In doing that, I am able to spark true engagement from more people, enabling us to go forward together..."
Är du nyfiken på vad vi kan göra tillsammans för din organisation? Hör av dig, så pratar vi.
Följ våra två poddar
I podden Into The New - with Karin & Niklas delar vi insikter, lärdomar och erfarenheter kring inre utveckling, ledarskap och organisation.
I podden Into The New - Unity Records delar vi vårt liv bortom de tre dimensionerna. Upplevelser av spirituell guidance och en värld i skikt bortom de vi är tränade att se och uppleva.