How do we know what is true? And what we actually see and observe. Or don’twe? Is it perhaps so that what we see and observe is more dependent on the lenses we look through than what we actually observe. And in that what we see and observe is also constantly changing as we are.
"We dare say that the world I "observe" is in many respects different from the world you "observe". How can we say that? We see the same world… right? Or don’t we?"
Yes we do. And no, we don't. We see through different lenses, different constructs, and the image of the world I see is created within me as I look at it. Just as the image of the world you see is created within you as you look at it. "But wait now… Construct… What is that?" you might be wondering. We will try to explain constructs. (through the constructs we create our reality through... :-) ),
Constructs is a term for the filters we see reality through. The drawings and interpretation patterns we constantly use to create "reality" of what we observe and experience. This is often a completely unconscious process, and the constructs we carry change throughout life. We create them, and recreate them through life to relate to, and try to understand the world we are part of. We cannot not have constructs, and they serve us until they fall to make room for new ones. This also often happens completely unconsciously.
Take your own development as an example: You saw, interpreted and experienced the world very differently when you were 6 compared to when you were 20. And today (given that you are older than 20, that is...) you see the world differently from when you were 20.
We carry individual constructs, and we carry collective constructs. Our individual constructs are often influenced by the collective ones. And vice versa. When our individual constructs fall and make room for new ones, that also affects our collective constructs.
We also see that when a construct fall, it make room for new ones to emerge. New ones holding greater freedom and space for more life.
So, why is this important?
When we let go of, or let a construct fall, we become freer. Free from a frame that is no longer needed to hold our reality in place. And in that freedom there is room for more life. More mutuality. More love.
As we raise awareness and reshape our individual constructs, we will also affect our collective ones. So that they can fade, fall, and make room for new ones holding greater freedom and space for more life.
When we begin to collectively become aware of our collective constructs: That which we together hold as true, we can challenge these and allow for a reality that holds greater freedom, space for more life and love to emerge in its place.
This is an individual and collective process that has taken humanity forward for millennia. Forward towards more freedom, greater mutuality and love, and with room for more life.
Examples of collective constructs that have fallen, at least in a large part of the world, where we now have greater freedom and life. Which we can now look back on and smile at…
A normal, and appreciated, Friday treat for the people who are worth a little more, is to watch people not worth so much killing each other, or being killed by wild animals. (Colosseum, Ancient Rome)
You can be punished for having a faith that is not sanctioned by church and state. (most European countries 500 years ago, unfortunately some countries even today)
Women cannot have their own legal personhood and must be under the guardianship of their father, husband or other man. (Sweden, just over 100 years ago, unfortunately some countries even today)
Being gay is a disease. (Sweden, about 60 years ago, unfortunately some countries even today)
Individuals can be described in a set of static opposites, or defined characteristics: Introvert - Extrovert. Red/Blue/Green/Yellow. Thinker or doer. If I know someone's characteristics, I can design a strategy to reach that person. (Sweden, today. Falling...)
Our invitation for you today is:
Meet yourself, others and the world with an open mind and open heart.
Ask yourself: “What constructs do I hold here? What do I see as true/fixed? What if I open myself up to see beyond that, into a reality holding greater freedom and more life?
Asking together, aks yourselves the same thing:
"What constructs do WE hold here? What do WE see as true/fixed? What if WE open ourselves to see beyond that, into a reality holding greater freedom and more life?
Finally, we just want to raise the question: Which constructs will we look back on and smile at in a 100 years...
In a 100 years... will our biological gender still be a major divider of humanity into two defined groups?
In a 100 years... will a person legally still be able to claim that a piece of this earth belongs to him/her?
In a 100 years … will we still be drawing imaginary lines around geographic territories separating my country from yours?
In a 100 years... will we still see ourselves as separated just because we move around in separate, physical bodies?
Let's find out together. Together on our way forward towards more freedom, greater consideration and mutuality, and with room for more life. With more love.