Expanding YOU
Inner growth releasing power in your outer world
Expanding You - is to open up to more of what you are. Open to a deeper meeting with yourself, and with others. Through the deeper understanding and embrace of all that is you, all that is the other and all that happens in the field between you, you will open to a richer, deeper and more loving experience of life.
We guide you on a journey over 8 weeks that takes you deep into yourself.
Things will happen. In your inner world, and in your experience,
your relationships and your power in the exterior world.
We know it, because we have seen it happen again and again!
Program dates autumn 2024
Tuesdays 15.15 - 18.15 CET: 10/9 17/9 1/10 8/10 22/10 5/11
Register here.
My experience is that I can reach deeper in this virtual format than I could have in a physical meeting.
The engineer in me rejoices in your liberating structure and uncompromising elaboration of every detail. At the same time as you guide us all in a spiritual journey. Deeply impressed, and with deep gratitude.
- Johan
In the program you can look forward to...
- to see, meet and embrace yourself -
... integrate and gain access to more of yourself through our shared inner psychological figures
... explore your longing, and the shadow / resistance holding you back
... grow your present-centered awareness, to sense, make sense of and respond to the present moment, every moment
... see how you are continuously shaping and shaped by self, others and system
... explore how to listen for and bring your gifts to the world
... start a deeply healing process in the integration of the Self
- Authentic meetings with others -
You will...
... start a deep opening process in the interaction and meeting with others
... increase your understanding of how other people work
… increase your understanding of others' perspectives, triggered fears and needs, to authentically find real engagement together
… increase your awareness of how our inner psychological figures work and influence in the dynamics with others
...explore how your collective consciousness can guide you in 'co-emergence'
- To meet and shape your surrounding world -
You will
... broaden your perspectives, and your understanding and experience of the world
… create awareness of how structure and culture can trigger fear in our inner psychological figures, or release power
… be able to use this awareness to shape a system that less often triggers fear, opening up individuals, teams and organizations to grow in sustainable harmony
... deepen your understanding of the dynamics between people and the situation, Self - Other - System, based on the psychology of relational organizational psychology and social systems
We have validated the effect for leaders and organizations through our Action Research projects in our 9-month programs. Expanding You is based on the same research and the same methods and shapes results in the same direction, although you may not achieve the same effect in 8 weeks as in 9 months.
Effects measured in our long programs include:
94% of participants experience an increased 'Overall Life Satisfaction'
90% experience an increased ability to 'Shape Coherence in My Teams and Organisation'.
90% experience a greatly increased ability to handle complexity.
80% measure increased 'Output/Outcome' in their teams and organisation.
80% measure an improvement in 'Collaboration, Engagement & Accountability'' among their employees.
You find our Action Research Paper
Our intention, and what we wish to give in this program, is to open up to and understand oneself in the psychological aspects that all humans share. And in this, to deepen the understanding of others and of what happens when we meet, interact and interweave. From this experience grows the longing and understanding of how this can shape the way we meet, work and drive things forward.
We create our programs from a synthesis, and fusion of a number of research fields, in which we hold certifications from leading researchers around the world. The ones we see as central are developmental psychology - the common, psychological figures that all people share; relational organizational psychology, the organization as a social, complex system, and sustainable change of social systems.
Program participants share the experience of meeting others as "Fully me", and how that opens up the relationship with both self and others. Which in turn opens for a truer, deeper growth and a willingness to bring this to one’s immediate surroundings as a person and leader.
The effects we usually see are each person's deepened contact with their own longing and power which opens up a truer being and leadership of oneself and others. Among other things, better dialogue, communication and collaboration grow out of this; opening for deeper connection between people and creating structures that enable our individual and collective power. We see effects in individuals and groups shaping what needs to be created from a wider awareness. Most people testify after the program to greater happiness, a deeper understanding of themselves and others, and the ability to lead themselves and others in a more complex context.
The program consists of 6 modules, where each module centres around a 3h facilitated session over Zoom. Before session, each participant independently views 30-ish minutes of pre-recorded video, introducing frameworks and models. We also invite you to hold triad dialogues after the sessions to further reflect on- and connect the content to every day life.
Attendee Testimonials
"A very strong experience. I have gained insights that help me to better understand myself, why I act as I do and how I influence and are affected by my surroundings. And also how I can concretely influence how I am, going forward, to be more in line with who I really am, to be authentic to a greater extent and the enormous power of this. Grateful! "
- Patrik, Business Developer & Meditation Teacher
"Are you curious about your inner journey and want to get to know yourself in depth together with other curious and brave people. Then I can warmly recommend Karin & Niklas as your guides. With clarity and sensitivity, they move groups forward and inward. We dare to call the shadows and integrate the lessons that exist that we may have put a lid on today. My understanding of the self, the other and the system became much more complete after this program. Thank you Karin. Thank you Niklas. And not least, thank you all brave and curious classmates. "
- Mattias, Team & Organisation Developer
"The program has strengthened both my self-leadership and my own capacity for leadership in a broader sense. By getting to know myself and my action patterns better, the program has laid a good foundation to accelerate my personal development and my influence. The program is lively, interactive, in-depth and in short absolutely fantastic! "
- Olof, Business Developer
"As someone who has not directly worked on my personal development before, I can only encourage you in a similar situation to take the plunge. I am immensely happier both personally and professionally after I finished the course, and then it was really good even before !"
- Simon, Product Manager
NPS: 92
Average Attendee Rating: 9,5 (of 10)
Program Details
Program Sessions
6 sessions of 3h, each exploring the inner psychological figures that all people share, as well as frameworks to better understand social systems and organisations.
We work with visualizations, self-reflection, group dialogue, pair and triad exploring practices and mirroring to strengthen and integrate insights and lessons learned. The combination of your own reflection, sharing your own insights and taking part in others’ perspectives enables in-depth learning that deepens your development.
Digital Program Platform
The program platform is created to support the program process, with sections for each module containing pre-session videos, exercises, triad guides, and materials.
Material for Continuous Growth
Access to the program platform is 'for life'. So is access to the platform's full resource library. Through this, all participants have free access to mini-courses based on video. Tools for self-reflection, team development and organisation. Our podcast. Interviews and articles where post-heroic leaders share their stories. Our own whitepapers where we share the keys to what we do. And recorded meditations.
Day 1 - Expanding Consciousness
Open up for holistic knowing and being through 4 ways of knowing
Explore the fluid self
Explore your intention, and your aspirations
The Infinity 8 - a model for development
Self - Other - System. Interrelatedness and The Field
Discovery Dialogue - Perspective taking through the vertical stages
Explore your Opportunist
Day 2 – Expanding Presence
Presencing - Navigating through the experience of now
Reinforcement-loops to external events
Circle of impact / influence / concern
Exploring your longing and your fear
Discovery Dialogue - Healing &integration through the vertical stages
Explore your Diplomat
Stories to explore values and norms
Day 3 – Expanding Self
Explore personal values
Values and Infinity 8th
An emotional journey and the power of reflection
Emotions and well-being - as reality and 'constructs'
Discovery Dialogue - Power through the vertical stages
Explore your Expert
Day 4 – Expanding Fulfillment
Your gifts to the world - Purpose as unifying force
Explore the power of a personal purpose
What world do you want to create?
Explore the seed to your Purpose - Why are you here
Discovery Dialogue - Fear thru the stages
Explore your Achiever
Day 5 - Expanding Range
Explore fears that hold you back
Explore your inner aspiration
Discovery Dialogue - Intention - Action - Reflection - Learning
Single, double, triple loop learning
Explore your Redefining
Which you are you giving birth to?
How can you create space for yourself to grow?
Day 6 - Expanding Into The New
Discovery Dialogue - Leading through the vertical stages
Explore the Transforming
From answers to questions. Attention as Choice and Power
Uniting Paradox: Autonomy - Community. Imaginary paradox and constraints
Revisit the fluid self
Life purpose statement
For us, the price is not a fixed parameter. We want to reach as many people as possible.
That's the important thing!
If you feel the programme is for you, it is more important for us to meet you so that you can join.
If you can pay in full, that's great. It IS worth it. Easily!
And even full price is cheap given the content.
But if you can't, get in touch. As long as the whole works out, we find a way, together.
€ 1,990 kr ex. VAT
...and if you can pay €2,090 you will enable a private person to attend for €690.
€ 790 kr inc. VAT
...and we always have a few seats for 4,900 when the finances aren't quite there, and a couple of seats almost free for you without income when we have the opportunity.
Small Business:
€ 1,290 ex. VAT
...and if you can pay 1,390 you will enable for a private person to attend for €690.
Also, we have entrepreneurs paying 1,090, when 1,290 feels too much.
And if that feels too expensive ... : get in touch, and we'll find a solution.