Welcome to this program, this poetry jury! We have selected 6 poems with the intention to help you meet yourself a little deeper. In light and in dark. Pace it as you feel is right for you. And consider keeping a notebook to actively reflect after each section. I call the poems: Poems from an ordinary life lived in extraordinary presence Each poem is a reflection of life. My life. Our life. Caught in the moment. All of them tell a story from life; reflects an experience I was given. I never sit myself down to write. I write when a poem comes to me. Sometimes in a few bullets, waiting for the rest to come, but more often in a flow from first letter to last. I see them as a gift to be shared. And now you will do them the honor of being experienced. Our wish for you is not to try to understand them. Let go of the sensemaking and try to stay with the experience. Experience them with your heart. Let them land in you the way they are meant to, right now, where you are, in presence. Sicerely Niklas & Karin