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Dear Essity


We recognize your efforts and the huge impact you are making to people and the world, which is truly commendable, by breaking barriers to well-being​.


We believe that to enable breaking barriers to well-being even more, it is important to start from the inside of ourselves. As individuals and organisations, to access the full potential to expand the impact of your business. We would love to be part of that by offering our expertise and validated experience of human centered leadership, -collaboration and -organisation.


We have created this page for you as an invitation to explore how we can break barriers to well-being for Essity's employees, together from the inside out.

So, how would we be able to help you? 


We would love to help with removing barriers to inherent human creativity and power, by evolving the view of leadership and collaboration.

Today, there are modern research fields informing us on how to lead in an increasingly complex environment. These fields provide foundational organisational principles for a modern, human centric organisation. Proven to unleash the human power of an organisation.


In a 3 year long Action Research project with Volvo Cars R&D, we have validated astonishing outcomes from novel approaches in leader development. Outcomes of increased wellbeing, engagement, collaboration and a wider embrace of differences, as well as improvement of traditional KPIs such as output/outcome, product quality and delivery precision are measured.


It is time to spread this knowledge.

This is an invitation to explore if we can do it together. Starting with a pilot. Growing company wide if we are mutually happy with the initial results, and our mutual relation.


Karin Hamrin and Niklas Lindhardt

Groundbreaking Action Research


We have dedicated our lives to the evolution of human consciousness. And to the next generation leader development. 


Our novel and unique approach combines modern science, ancient wisdom and practices that let us tap into fields beyond the cognitive. Through our action research projects we deliver measurable outcomes in close collaboration with our client

The Future of Leadership


What do leading institutes and sources as Harvard, Forbes, CEO monthly, Gartner, Deloitte, Korn Ferry & Nordic Business Forum say about leadership needs of today?


Watch the video to take part of our analysis of this.

Leader Testimonials


In this clip, some of the leaders having attended the program share their experiences and observations. 

These are of course available as references, on request. Along with many more.

Measured Effects


We have used organisation internal KPIs to measure the effects of the programme.

We have also used leader self assessments for how their leadership abilities have evolved.


These are astonishing results, presented in the video clip.

Our Invitation


We would love to set up a pilot of our validated Next Generation Leader Program with you, and evaluate the effects together. And then, if we both are happy with both results and our relation, we have a few steps forward to add and craft together that will widen and strengthen the outcomes of the pilot.


One is to review and adopt your organisational operating procedures in line with the research. This will integrate the research, and results of the pilot into the organisational every day life, securing long term evolution of a stronger Essity.

A second is Our unique education service that reach every employee. With monthly, short, video based modules, you will provide a simple, effective way for development and growth for everyone. Growth making a difference!

This will serve two purposes:

i. directing the attention of the entire organisation toward one important aspect of collaboration and well-being per month.

ii. providing attending leaders with a way to broadly spread the insights of the program in an easy way.

A third is to train Essity's internal trainers to facilitate the program internally. To secure long term continuance and organisational evolution.

We would love to set up a first exploratory meeting to see if we both like the idea of working together. After all, collaboration is relational by nature.

We are looking forward to hear from you.


Niklas and Karin

We would love to hear from you

Siddhant - on building lasting trust

Henrik - on becoming a better person


 “It is hard to put words on it, but I have gained a much deeper sense of how to lead organisational transformation. And a much deeper sense of the human nature, and the implications on organisation and collaboration. And that shows in our organisational trust and accountability.”

- Daniel, Head of engineering dpt

Automotive OEM


"This program is one of the most important keys for this company, whichever strategy we set for the future."

- Gunnar, Engineering Manager

"I have attended over 30 courses over my 20+ years in my work life. Many of them were leadership courses. This program is without ANY competition the best I have ever done! And everyone who attended knows why!

It goes deep into human nature and being human together. The implications of that for leadership and organization...  Invaluable!  Both privately and as a leader!"

- Aboozar Zaarini

Manager of AI, Data Science & Machine Learning


I have gotten a toolbox that I don’t need to carry in a suitcase, but that I carry inside. Deeply integrated understanding of how human beings and collaboration works. Immensely valuable in my daily life as a senior technical expert, leading our product into the future.

- Robert, Senior Systems Engineering Expert


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